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Applewood GC News

Applewood Golf Course in Golden was one of four finalists for the National Golf Course Owners Association National Course of the Year Award.

The honor “recognizes a golf course that epitomizes exceptional course quality and management excellence, makes important contributions to its communities and the game, and is a model of operations to its peers.”

Applewood, a public course which opened in 1961, was picked the award winner in the West Region of the country. (It’s pictured in an photo.) The other regional selections were Greathorse in Norton, Mass. (Northeast Region), Meadowlands Golf Club in Calabash, N.C. (South) and The Heather at Boyne Highlands in Harbor Springs, Mich. (Midwest).

From those regional winners, the NGCOA board of directors chose The Heather at Boyne Highlands as its 2019 National Course of the Year.

All NGCOA award winners (CLICK HERE to see the entire list) will be honored during the organization’s Golf Business Conference on Feb. 7 in San Diego.

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